Holiday Mask Drive

Get your NYCHA Mask today!

Buy one for you, your friends and family, and neighbors! We want everyone in NYC wearing this mask this winter season. Let’s make “Funding NYCHA” the statement of the season – and beyond!

A big shoutout to Muniz Creative Studio for working with us on these. Check out their work here.

Order Information:

Masks are $5 each – this is just below cost to us. We ask that you consider adding a $15 donation (or more) to your order if you can.

Masks are available in adult- and child-sizes. 

There are two steps to placing your order:

Step 1: Complete the order form to let us know what you need and where to send it.

Step 2: Submit payment

*A note on data privacy: The information collected here will ONLY EVER be used to send these masks to you. However, if you want infrequent emails from JFAC about actions and opportunities to support our work, join our mailing list.


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 Supported by the CUNY Doctoral Students Council.