JFAC Exec Committee Speaks with Bronxnet about The Blueprint

JFAC Executive Committee member Kristen Hackett speaks with Bronxnet about The Blueprint and what it means for public housing, and what the alternatives are – in an interview following the State Housing Committee hearing on December 8, 2020.

Questions addressed in 12 min interview include:

  • Who is the Justice For All Coalition and what is your mission?
  • What exactly is NYCHA’s Blueprint for Change? 
  • Why are tenants and JFAC advocating to #halttheblueprint? 
  • The State Assembly Housing Committee recently held a hearing to discuss this blueprint. Some NYCHA residents were able to attend. What happened at this hearing? We’re there any resolutions and/or issues? 
  • Why is it important to keep NYCHA public housing public? 
  • What are some of the solutions/alternatives JFAC proposes/ What are CLT’s and RMC’s and how can they help residents moving forward? 
  • How can people stay in contact with JFAC, get resources and info on the Blueprint for Change plan, and more? (Please provide phone #’s, emails, websites, social media handles for our viewers if possible) 


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