JFAC worked with other Queens groups including Queens Neighborhood United, Centro Corona and the Queens Anti-Gentrification Project to disrupt NYCEDC’s 3rd public meeting on Sunnyside Yards. The meeting, held at Aviation High School in Long Island City in Monday Sept 16, 2019 from 5-8p, was organized in a science-fair style to share the dreams and ambitions EDC had come to in their visioning for the space above Sunnyside Yards. Community groups including JFAC have attempted to speak out at previous meetings and get answers to questions like “how how much it would cost” and “who would pay for it”, “how much housing might be”, “how they would prevent rents from rising for existing community members” and so on. Because EDC has previously not addressed these questions, these groups held a teach-in, inviting progressive planners like Tom Angotti from Hunter College (CUNY) and James DeFillipis from Rutgers University to answer the community’s questions and ensure EDC herard our rebuke.
Learn more about the disruption here:
Lewis, Caroline. “Queens Protesters Fear Sunnyside Yard Project Could Be Next Hudson Yards.” Gothamist, September 17, 2019.
- “Protesters Disrupt Sunnyside Yard Public Meeting in LIC, Chaotic Scenes.” LIC Post, September 17, 2019.
Corner of Astoria. “Community Land Trust Considered for Sunnyside Yards Master Plan,” September 17, 2019.